The Anti-Bark Citronella Collar is the perfect device to get a dog to stop barking. A barking dog can be the biggest nuisance and this collar is a safe and effective product to stop the annoying behavior.
There are many different types of citronella bark collars made by various companies. They all claim the same thing that they are able to stop the dog from barking, through spraying citronella spray into the dog’s nose anytime they bark. These collars are very effective and there is a very high success rate in dog owners who have used them.
As mentioned earlier there are different types of citronella anti-bark collars. The most common are the ones that have a microphone and are able to determine if the dog is barking or not. Once is senses that the dog is making a sound, it will release a spray of citronella. One of the more expensive, yet increasingly popular products is the remote citronella collar. These work essentially like the regular ones, except the owner is now able to control when the citronella is sprayed. He is able to accomplish this with a remote control, that when pressed will release the spray.
Many people are opting for these remote controlled citronella collars. The reasoning behind it is that they have more control and can determine when the barking is annoying and when the dog should be sprayed. The regular collars spray anytime the dog barks, this is not so with the remote controlled ones.
The Best Remote Citronella Collar
The Multivet Spray Commander Citronella Collar is one of the most popular remote products available. It gives owners the ability to control the spray on their dog from up to 250ft away. This is excellent when it comes to correcting behavioral problems the animal may have.
The collar is easy to use and can fit most dogs. It comes with an on/off switch and remote control. There is also a 24″ nylon collar that comes with a receiver. A hand held remote is included as well as a can of citronella spray and 2 six volt batteries. The remote training dog barking kit also has an instruction guide and a helpful training CD.